
Iraqi Refugee Student
in Amman, Jordan
Supported by
Musical Missions of Peace
Songs of Hope Program


"I speak English, Spanish, Greek and enough Arabic and Inca to get around, but Music is The Ultimate Language!" -- Cameron


Cameron and Kristina
Singing Iraqi Love Songs
for Peace in Baghdad


Promotional Materials
Available Online

Iraqi Sufi "Yoga" Workshop
Dancing with Your Soul -- Arabic Nights

Bring Loose Comfortable Clothing and a Soft Mat

We will gently move and stretch to Microtonal Arabic Music from Cameron and Kristina's new CD: Dancing With Your Soul

Cameron has studied with an Iraqi Sufi Master for 30 years.
Let your body gently move by itself to this music and see what happens...

"I absolutely LOVE Dancing with your Soul!!! 
Listening all the time to it and singing along..."
"Erotic, a desert flower in bloom...
for making love, not war..."
"your new CD is incredible !!!! Dancing with Your Soul is one of the most amazing CDs in my collection!! Thank YOU."

Musical Missions of Peace is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization.