Presentation and Concert Schedule for 2009


Sunday, January 25, 2009
Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, CA
Short Musical Offerings in morning;
Presentation: 6pm
5654 Ralston St
Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 644-3898


Sunday February 22, 2009
Unitarian Universalists in Laguna Beach, CA
Music and Culture of Iraq -- What Have We Not Been Seeing?
Introductory Morning Service Presentation: 11:00 -- 11:30 am
Full Evening Presentation: 7:00 -- 8:30 pm
429 Cypress Dr
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(949) 497-4568
Evening Co-Presenter: Rowan Storm, Peoples Musical Ambassador to Iran


Saturday, June 6, 2009, 8 - 11 pm
First Christian Church, 950 28th St, Boulder, CO 80304
Live Trance Dance -- Microtonal Musical Magic -- Arabic Musical Scales Improvisation
Musicians and Percussionists:
Cameron Powers
Kristina Sophia
Tierro from Kan'Nal and Lunar Fire
Jesse Manno
Greg Hanson
Lawrence Osborn
Andrew Romero
Mitch Feinstein
$15 -- suggested donation for Musical Missions of Peace


Saturday, June 13th, doors open at 6pm, show at 7:00
Shimmy For The Cure: benefits breast cancer education & prevention!
Swallow Hill Music, 71 East Yale, Denver, CO
$16 at the door
Live Dance Music by Kara Nomadica
Cameron Powers special guest musician


Live Trance Dance -- Microtonal Musical Magic -- Arabic Music and Improvisation
Songs of Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria
Saturday, June 27, 2009 -- 12:45 -- 2:30 pm
The Littleton Art and Music Festival
Aspen Grove Lifestyle Center
7301 S. Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, Colorado (One mile north of C-470 on Santa Fe Dr. in Littleton, Co)


Musicians and Percussionists:
Cameron Powers
Kristina Sophia
Kylie Hilali
Chakib Hilali
Lawrence Osborn
Ben Osborn
Andrew Romero
Gregg Hansen


St. John's Episcopal Cathedral
Sundays, May 31, June 7, June 14, June 21, June 28, July 5, July 12, July 19, etc
Evening Wilderness Services: 5:45 - 7 pm
1350 Washington St
Denver, CO 80203
Cameron to provide intermittent musical offerings
with oud, nay and vocals.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 6:30pm
Boulder Fringe Craberet
B-Side Lounge
2017 13th St., Boulder, CO 80302
Cameron to present Musical Missions of Peace
Cameron to play music for Cindy Marvell, the first woman to win the Intl. Jugglers’ Association’s Championship, performing “A Juggling Journey,” a tour-du-frenzy of the new vaudeville world.


Saturday, August 1, 2009, 8 - 11 pm
Live Trance Dance -- Microtonal Musical Magic -- Arabic Musical Scales Improvisation
First Christian Church, 950 28th St, Boulder, CO 80304
Musicians and Percussionists:
Cameron Powers
Kristina Sophia
Kylie Hilali
Chakib Hilali
Lawrence Osborn
Andrew Romero
Gregg Hansen
$15 -- suggested donation for Musical Missions of Peace


Saturday, Aug 15, 2009, 11:00 am -- 11:45 am
Folk Festival
Lyons, Colorado
Cameron, Kristina, Andrew Romero present Arabic music
Price: $50 daily entry fee


Saturday, September 12, 2009, 8 - 11 pm
Live Trance Dance -- Microtonal Musical Magic -- Arabic Musical Scales Improvisation
The Inner Nationals
First Christian Church, 950 28th St, Boulder, CO 80304
Musicians and Percussionists:
Cameron Powers
Kristina Sophia
Kylie Hilali
Chakib Hilali
Andrew Romero
Cheri Shanti
Elie Mardiros
$15 -- suggested donation for Musical Missions of Peace


Musical Missions of Peace: Cameron and Kristina
Exhibitor's Booth
Denver Fundraising Summit
Date: September 15-16, 2009
Location: University of Denver (Driscoll University Center)
2055 East Evans Avenue Denver, CO 80208


Saturday, Sept 19, 2009, approximately 4:15 pm
United Nations International Day of Peace
Auraria Campus, St. Cajetan's Center, Denver, CO
Cameron and Kristina will Present Music from Arab World
Musical Missions of Peace will exhibit from 2:30-5:00 pm
Additional Performances by: Hazel Miller, Hing Ryder, AiiAn & Kama Devi, Kissidugu
Cameron Powers & Kristina Sophia, Mirai Taiko, Dancers from India
Christina Yeh Dance Studio, Krakow Dance Academy
Presented by: Ambassadors for Peace of Colorado
Co-Sponsored by: United Nations Association (UNA-USA of Colorado)
Interfaith Council at Stapleton
Sustainable Schools International
International Peace Initiatives
Collegiate Ambassadors for Peace
Musical Missions of Peace
Indian Cultural Association


Friday, Oct 2, 2009 5 - 7 pm
Cameron to Play Musical Sounds of Bedouin Desert
on Oud and Nay for Episcopal Covention
Pueblo, CO


Saturday, October 3, 2009, 7:30 - 10:30 pm
Live Trance Dance -- Microtonal Musical Magic -- Arabic Musical Scales Improvisation
The Inner Nationals
First Christian Church, 950 28th St, Boulder, CO 80304
Musicians and Percussionists:
Cameron Powers -- Oud, Nay, Vocals
Kristina Sophia -- Vocals, Percussion
Kailin Yong -- Violin
Jesse Manno -- Oud, Saz, Flutes, Vocals
Elie Mardiros -- Lebanese Percussion
Andrew Romero -- Percussion
Bret Bowen -- Percussion
Mitch Feinstein -- Percussion
Lawrence Osborn -- Saz
Michael Stanwood -- Didjeridou
$15 -- suggested donation for Musical Missions of Peace


Friday, Oct 9, 2009, 6 - 9 pm
CU Boulder's Glenn Miller Ballroom in the UMC (16th and Broadway) Boulder, CO
Annual Muslim students cultural festival/party
Free music, food!
Rachid Hallihal (vocal, violin, oud)
Souhail Kaspar(Drums)
Cameron Powers(ney)
James Hoskins (cello)
Jesse Manno (drum set, oud)


Friday, November 13, 2009, 4:45 - 5:45 pm
Cameron to give presentation at Naropa University
Civics Engagement Class
Professor: Doug Dupler
Lincoln Building Room 4130


Saturday, November 14, 2009, 8 - 11 pm
Live Arabic Trance Dance -- Microtonal Musical Magic
Arabic Musical Scales Improvisation
The Inner Nationals
First Christian Church, 950 28th St, Boulder, CO 80304
Musicians and Percussionists:
Cameron Powers
Kristina Sophia
Kylie Hilali
Chakib Hilali
More to be announced
$15 -- suggested donation for Musical Missions of Peace


Thursday, November 19, 2009, 12 noon - 1 pm
Cameron and Kristina: Music and Slide Presentation
UMC "University Memorial Center" -- Dining Room
University of Colorado, Boulder
