Singing in Baghdad...
Upcoming presentations, workshops and concerts:
If you can help us produce additional presentations anywhere in America please let us know!
Here's our tentative presentation tour schedule for 2004:
Colorado is Home Base.
January & February: Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and nearby areas with a return toward Colorado through the same areas;
March: Colorado & New Mexico and nearby areas;
April & May: Pacific Northwest and then south down the West Coast to Arizona and nearby areas with a return toward Colorado through same areas;
June: Colorado & New Mexico and nearby areas;
July & August: Central Midwest to East Coast to New England and then back toward Colorado through Northern Midwest and same areas;
Let us know if a presentations in your region might fit into this schedule.
We will make our route as flexible as possible.
We travel with our Van and Travel Trailer.
We live in the 24' Travel Trailer, which we can unhitch and park.
We then can use the Van to reach Presentation Locations.
We have all the equipment we need in the Van.
We can be flown by airplane to other locations, but must then travel with a minimum of equipment.
Cameron & Kristina present Music, Projected Photographic Images and Stories from their latest trip to the Arab world!
This is your chance to hear about our recent musical trips to Iraq, Jordan, The West Bank, and Egypt.
Discover a view of the Arab World that is not often shown…
Cameron & Kristina's Presentation: "Singing in Baghdad"
After seeing them to do the morning service at the Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden, Colorado, Tony Davis wrote:
"I've seen Cameron and Kristina's magnificent show. I give it a 15 out of a possible 10. Being a musician myself their message really hit home with me. Knowing the power of music, hearing Cameron and Kristina's stories brought tears of joy to my eyes. They are really using music for what it needs to be used for.
Not only are they active and articulate musical ambassadors between America and the Middle East, in my mind they are National Heroes!! Tell everyone you know who may not have seen them that this is a must see!!
Friday, Oct 17
Cameron & Kristina to sing in Cairo
Fundraiser for Children's Cancer Hospital
Saturday, Nov 8th, 6:00 pm
"Singing in Baghdad"
Nahalat Shalom
Albuquerque, NM
Sunday, Nov 9th, 6:30 pm
"Singing in Baghdad"
Tribes Coffeehouse, 139 W. San Francisco St.
Santa Fe, NM
Friday, Nov 14, 7:00 pm
"Singing in Baghdad"
A Conscious Concert Series
Religious Science Spiritual Center
1622 Glenwood Avenue
Grand Junction, CO
Saturday, Nov 15, 1:00 pm
Workshop: Crosscultural Friendships and Magnification of Heart
Religious Science Spiritual Center
1622 Glenwood Avenue
Grand Junction, CO
Sunday, Nov 16, Morning Service
Musical Contribution by Cameron & Kristina
Religious Science Spiritual Center
1622 Glenwood Avenue
Grand Junction, CO
Tuesday Evening, December 2, 2003, 9:15 - 10:15 p.m., Mountain Time
Cameron and Kristina Live on KGNU, 88.5 FM, Boulder, Colorado
Arabic Music and Tales of recent adventures in Syria and Egypt
Host: The Naked Stage (In Exile), Produced and Engineered by Guy Errickson/Helping Expressions
Live Webstream at available anywhere via internet
Friday, December 12th -1:30 - 3:30 pm
Educational programs for Elementary Schoolchildren
Abiquiu, New Mexico
Friday December 12th at 7:30 p.m.
Center for Contemporary Arts 1050 Old Pecos Trail Santa Fe, NM
Cameron & Kristina's Musical, Visual and Factual Presentation: "Singing in Baghdad"
$10 admission and $8 for CCA members
More Info: 505 982 1338 or
Monday, December 15, 2:15 - 4:05 pm
Monte del Sol Charter School
High School
Santa Fe, NM
Musical Missions is now part of an official 501c3 Non-Profit Organization
Called "Rocky Dialogs -- Musical Missions Project"
The Federal Employer ID Number is: 27-0009832
Donations or Subscription amounts of $50 or more can now be legal Charitable Contributions, Deductable from your Federal Taxes. After making your contribution, e-mail us at if you would like to request a receipt to be e-mailed or mailed to you for your records. Thank you.
If you choose to send a check or money order rather than use Paypal,
make the check payable to "Musical Missions"
Mail to: Musical Missions, 2090 Grape Ave, Boulder, CO 80304
For information on how to wire money into the account, please inquire by e-mail.
Or you can go to the subscription and donation page and find the right Paypal icon to click and make your donation or subscription that way.
Donations are a one time transfer of funds. Subscriptions provide regular, monthly support.
We must have the help to stay on the road!